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Charitable Efforts

Three Raccoon Productions is a charitable LARP event company dedicated to supporting local community charities while running fan based games which excite, inspire, and bring together the LARPing community. Our first campaign LARP, "The Forgotten Empire," a science-fantasy game based on the Old Republic universe. Each game's profits will be sent to a separate, local charity to give back to our community around us. The earnings from the campaign's opening game are going to the Community Action Partnership of Lancaster County's Domestic Violence Shelter program. We are so happy to be supporting this organization through LARPers telling stories together.


We have since continued our relationship with the Lancaster CAP group of charities and are proud to continue to support the valuable work they do throughout Lancaster County. 

May Event 2018: $3300.00 for the DVS Program

June Event 2018: $3000.00 for the Navigation (Atlas Initiative) Program 

July Event 2018: $2000.00 for the Child Care Program

September Event 2018: $2000.00 for the Food Pantry earmarked for Thanksgiving

2018 total Charitable Efforts: $10,300.00 !

May Event 2019: $2500.00 for the DVS Program

July Event 2019: $2000.00 for the Navigation (Atlas Initiative) Program

August Event 2019: $2200.00 for the Child Care Program

September Event 2019: $2200.00 For the Food Pantry

2019 total Charitable Efforts: $8,900.00!

2020 Digital Campaign: $2000.00 for Lancaster CAP

May Event 2022: $2000.00 for the DVS Program

August Event 2022: $2000.00 for Lancaster CAP

April 2023 Event 2023: 1000.00 for Lancaster CAP

May/July 2023 Events: 2000.00 for Lancaster CAP

Finale 2023 Event: 500.00 for Lancaster CAP

Forgotten Empire Campaign Total: $28,700.00!

Stay Tuned for Campaign 2, Coming 2024!

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